Thursday, January 28, 2010

God created girls to be lovely, beautiful, pretty, everything pink, lace, flowers and calico (or sometimes camo).
He created us to be different than men, who are tough, rugged, authorative, strong, and less emotional.
But much more importantly than the outward appearance is the heart, which God looks upon. A person may be plain on the outside, but if they love the Lord dearly, serve others, are humble, graceful, loving, caring, discreet, chaste, obedient, joyful, their spirit will be absolutely beautiful.
It is also extremely important to be feminine and lady like. You can never be too feminine. Now there is a difference between foolish, shallow, materialistic, girlish fantasies and schemes, and true godly biblical womanhood and girlhood. This does not mean we can’t shoot guns, ride horses, drive tractors, fix kitchen faucet’s, mow the lawn or any other hard working jobs that need to be done. Being a lady is not just tea parties and ice cream socials (although those are great fun!) but it goes deeper than that. It is what God created us to be.
In the Old West cowboys used to call ladies “Calicos” in appreciation of their long dresses made of tiny flowery print or sometimes they would refer to young ladies as “Sunbonnets” because of the shamed face bonnets a girl would wear if she was out in public. They were treated with respect and honor because of their beautiful femininity.
You do not have to prove yourself to a man through work, wits or worldly conducts. You are what God created you to be; a woman, a wife, daughter, mother, a Lady.
So embrace your calling, Beautiful Girlhood.

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